Saturday 13 May 2017

Museum and Cultural Management Internship - Day 1 at Fundacion Pintor Amalio

Museum and Cultural Management Internship - Day 1 at Fundacion Pintor Amalio

First days are always the same, feelings of anxiety, extreme excitement and an inner calm, that feeling that you are just ready to begin and that you know this day is a life changer.
I´ve actually been in sevilla spain for over one month now, but there was just something about my first day at Museum de Pintor Amalio. I was met by the museum cultural manager Juan Diego, such an interesting character, so precise and to the point, he explained all the important do´s and dont´s when interacting with visitors for the first time, in all of 10 mins. It was kind of funny to me actually because  I really did not understand everything he said, but said vale vale (spanish word for ok in sevilla) when he asked if I did. He handed me a note pad and pen, I wrote down everything I could think of-
and then, the Oh My God moment when the first visitor walks in and Juan says go ahead and speak to them.
Interacting with visitors felt natural until they started speaking spanish really quickly. Someone once said I show all my emotions in my face, so spanish speakers can tell immediately that I dont understand them intirely, at least i see the humour in it.
There were many awkward moments, where visitors just dont want to talk to anyone, but there were moments where I shone, A wonderful day!

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